
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024年09月27日 09:31     來(lái)源:中國(guó)新聞網(wǎng)

  日前,美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)宣布將聯(lián)邦基金利率的目標(biāo)區(qū)間下調(diào)50個(gè)基點(diǎn)。在接受中新網(wǎng)采訪(fǎng)時(shí),澳大利亞中國(guó)工商業(yè)委員會(huì)董事會(huì)前成員、絲綢之路國(guó)際商會(huì)澳大利亞代表戴若·顧比(Daryl Guppy)表示,本次美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)的大幅降息,反映出美國(guó)自身債務(wù)問(wèn)題危機(jī)四伏,并對(duì)全球市場(chǎng)產(chǎn)生影響,尤其是與美元掛鉤的國(guó)家。一些國(guó)家的貨幣政策將不得不跟隨美國(guó)腳步,盡管這些措施可能不適合當(dāng)?shù)氐慕?jīng)濟(jì)環(huán)境。

  顧比還認(rèn)為,第二十屆三中全會(huì)上,中國(guó)已宣布優(yōu)化營(yíng)商環(huán)境以吸引外資的策略。美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)降息后,有利于中國(guó)相關(guān)政策的實(shí)施。(記者 陳天浩)

  The Federal Reserve has announced a benchmark interest rate cut by 50 basis points to a new range of 4.75%-5%. Daryl Guppy, former national board member of the Australia China Business Council and Australian representative of the Silk Road International Chamber of Commerce, noted that the Fed's giant rate cut reflects the debt crisis of the U.S, and the impacts will flow to all regional currencies that are tied to the dollar peg. Many countries may be forced to take rate cuts that are not entirely suitable for local conditions, he said.

  In addition, Guppy noted that the Fed's rate cut falls right into China's policy objective to attract foreign capital set during the Third Plenum. (Chen Tianhao)


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